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How To Investigate Your Date Online! Free Tutorial CLICK HERE!!
Don't be scammed by online dating fraud. This video is created by an online investigator who has 11 years of locating people across the world! Check out your online date first! This comprehensive 25 minute tutorial walks you through how to investigate your date online. If you want to make sure you know who you are speaking to when dating online, this video is a must have. It takes you through step by step signs to look for if you might be being scammed and how to carry out a comprehensive search. Tools and techniques used by real online investigators. Websites and data mining sites you can use to know if your online date is a real person. For safety for you, your friends or your children this is a MUST HAVE video which shows you how to find out if the person you are dating is real. Includes:
Signs that your date might be hiding something from you
Google searching techniques to accurately and quickly find your date online
Social media searching including Facebook and LinkedIn
Facial recognition software
Data mining software
Governing bodies to check out your date
Case studies for you to practice finding your online date.
Don't second guess if they are who they say they are. Become an online dating investigator!! CLICK HERE!!
How To Identify If Your Date Is Lying. A comprehensive tutorial and free cheat sheet with more lying info! Free Tutorial CLICK HERE
A comprehensive video tutorial showing lies that people tell and how they can be seen, using the latest lie detection research and data. Includes body language, eyes and language patterns to identify a liar. Also multiple links of "tells" which may indicate your date is hiding something or withholding information. The TRUTH about how accurate this is. The latest research including new information from 2019 studies backed up by global lie detective scientist's research papers! + a FREE by a lie detection cheat sheet with links to more FREE online tutorials and research papers. CLICK HERE!
We Will Write Your Dating Profile For You! CLICK HERE!
Not getting the hits from your dating profile that you want? Don't know what to put on your online dating profile? Don't know how to let people know who you are and what you do? We can write a great online dating profile for you! We are experienced writers who have over 11 years writing profiles which receive maximum hits for attention and profile visits. We can help you let others know how cool, quirky or sophisticated you are! Maybe you are all of these!!! We will tailor a profile to work for you!
What are you looking for? Long term relationship, dating, just some fun? We write the best possible profile to fit with what you need!